🔗 Alternatives to Using Pure Black for Text and Backgrounds

Colour palette of palette of alternative shades of dark background

  1. Charcoal Gray | Hex #121212
  2. Dark Slate Gray | Hex: #191919
  3. Outer Space | Hex: #252525
  4. Rich Black | Hex: #0A0A0A
  5. Coffee Bean | Hex: #1B1B1B
  6. Dark Gray | Hex: #212427
  7. Oil Black | Hex: #0C0C0C
  8. Obsidian | Hex: #0B1215
  9. Ebony | Hex: #222428
  10. Black Chocolate | Hex: #100D08
  11. Gunmetal | Hex: #1D1F21
  12. Smoky Black | Hex: #101720
  13. Oxford Blue | Hex: #212A37
  14. Eerie Black | Hex: #232023
  15. Jet Black | Hex: #161618
  16. Iridium | Hex: #181818
  17. Arsenic | Hex: #11181C
  18. Charleston Green | Hex: #212124
  19. Dark Gunmetal | Hex: #222428
  20. Jet | Hex: #2A2A2A
  21. Black Olive | Hex: #242526
  22. Midnight Blue | Hex: #212121