Posts tagged with “infinityfree”

Just learned that SSL intermediate certificate and certificate chain are not supported on InfinityFree's free hosting. Unfortunately, this causes tumbleblog's feeds at unable to be validated due to the lack of intermediate certificate or certificate chain in its SSL certificate.

In addition, InfinityFree implements a security system in free hosting that blocks RSS readers from accessing an InfinityFree website on free hosting.

Therefore, I have to use Feedburner to proxy this tumbleblog's feeds into to make them readable by feed readers.

Today I learned that InfinityFree's free hosting plan does not support the PHP mail() function, so an external email service is required to send email from an InfinityFree free plan website.

As a result, I ended up spending a lot of time in setting up a contact form for my upcoming Cassette Beasts fanlisting by using PHPMailer, based on a contact form page built with PHPMailer that is provided by InfinityFree. since I am new to PHP.