Switched to Harmonoid
After finding out that Strawberry Music Player no longer provides free releases for its Windows version, I have switched to Harmonoid as my music library player. My experience with it has been decent so far.
After finding out that Strawberry Music Player no longer provides free releases for its Windows version, I have switched to Harmonoid as my music library player. My experience with it has been decent so far.
Just found out that updates for the Windows version of Strawberry Music Player are now only available to sponsors. ☹️
From their home page:
Access to macOS and Windows releases are currently restricted to sponsors, a 5 USD monthly sponsorship is required. You can sponsor strawberry through Patreon for direct access to new releases. If you are sponsoring through GitHub, Ko-fi or PayPal, please e-mail support AT strawberrymusicplayer.org for access to the downloads URL on the left menu.
The reason macOS and Windows releases are closed to sponsors is because Strawberry have mainly had one contributor/developer over several years. Maintaining releases for macOS and Windows is a lot of additional work, and requires hardware and build environments, building and maintaing all libraries Strawberry depends on, and we also have to pay for a Apple developer account for signed macOS releases.
Oh well, guess I am going to look for another open-source music player on Windows for playing local music libaries.